The Mirror-god and two lamp-posts
Looking for a safe place to say something. So I park it here. These are unformed thoughts, consider this a draft of something.
The tragedy of [fill in the latest multi-victim shooting here] is a symptom of a culture that worships death in the guise of individuality and choice. Our culture worships death but refuses to see death. We kill ~3000 children a day. Moloch has nothing on the good ol' US of A.
Ours is a culture that has turned individuality and choice into an idol. We bow down and worship a giant mirror. This Mirror-god contains the cult of death and anti-death. And both of these are really the same. We pursue every means to postpone death, but fight to kill children and our elders. We worship the Mirror-god of individuality by slugging each other for the latest iDevice on Black Friday. (Black Friday?! Ok, I know why it is called that, but really? That name is more appropriate than the Mirror Cult realizes)
We have so democratized everything that all of us are now simply fleshy morsels 'choosing' to line up for Moloch's maw. We are individuals, but not persons. We are discrete units of spending power. We are like ghosts, unable to see and hear and feel any other person. So we flail out for any connection, any group that we can belong to. But since we are blinded by the MIrror-god, we only know to look for other cultists.
The above sounds very negative. And rightly so.
And yet.
There has always been darkness in the world.
Every age has its persecutors and its martyrs.
In the midst of darkness, blossoms hope.
While civilization crumbles and falls around them,
people are waking from the zombie-life of modernism
seeking something they call authenticity.
Some call it beauty.
I call it God.
There are hints and allegations.
Santa Claus and Harry Potter are reminders,
lamp-posts in the wilderness.