Wildflowers May 4 2020

In the past couple of years, I have begun to appreciate my local flora and fauna. While I am no naturalist, I like to pretend that I am. I have started appreciating the birds in my backyard and the native plants in the local woods.

I am going to use some of the space here as a sort of nature journal.

Here are the plants I saw yesterday, with some notes.

Hepatica Nobilis, v. obtusa and acuta (Liverwort)
I saw these on Friday and had no idea what I was looking at. Their similarity to Asarum intrigued me. Also, the trefoil leaf with a bisected symmetrical pattern was fascinating. After some research, I found out what they are. I expect to be planing some in my own garden.

Medeola virginiana (indian Cucumber Root)
This is another one that I saw on Friday, I could tell by the foliage it was some kind of Lily, but I didn't see the flower. Then, yesterday when I saw the flower, I was just charmed!

Azure Bluets(?)
I am just charmed by these Azure Bluets (I think that's what they are.)

Goodyera pubescent(?)Later in the summer, I hope this will prove itself to be a native Orchid, rattlesnake Plaintain.

Violet leaves
Not sure exactly what violet this is, but I love the foliage. It was close to the ground and striking in its two-tone color.

Maidenhair fern. One of several such colonies along the trail.

Bloodroot. I have an affinity for these kinds of herbaceous plants (wild ginger, hepatic, bloodroot, heuchera). I collected some seeds and hope to have some in a few years.

Solomon Seal

Heuchera growing on a moss-covered bank.

Little Brown Jug  Hexastylis arifolia

The Cutest Mushroom
I saw this guy on just the right day. The next day he was a little bigger and flatter, and not nearly as cute.

Pink Lady Slippers
I was not expecting to see these, but I found a patch of about 12-15 individuals in a smallish area.
